The First Time for Chinese Medical Enterprise's Voice to Come at Davos

GPHL iis7站长之家 2018-04-04 11:34:21

A small town named Davos is located on Landwasser River in Switzerland with more than 1500 meters above the sea level, in small size but known far and wide.

The Appearance of Red Canned Wang Lao Ji with New Packaging at the Great Wall

GPHL iis7站长之家 2018-04-04 11:32:03

The Appearance of Red Canned Wang Lao Ji with New Packaging at the Great Wall Herbal tea has long history as the cooling drink peculiar to Lingnan region.

Chinese Medicine Holding Football's Hands

GPHL iis7站长之家 2018-03-02 16:06:10

GPHL led by Li Chuyuan creatively puts forward that the compass, papermaking, movable type printing and gunpowder are the four great inventions in ancient China.

Li Ka-shing, Jack Ma and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings

GPHL iis7站长之家 2017-08-31 14:32:11

In May 2004, Hutchison Whampoa, the flagship company of Mr. Li Ka-shing who is the world's richest Chinese person, intended to cooperate with Baiyunshan Chinese Medicine Factory.

The Research on Ganoderma Lucidums Spores Oil Led by the Academician

GPHL iis7站长之家 2017-08-31 14:23:41

Chinese medicines originate from nature. People lived in the harsh conditions with low levels of technology and medicine in the early historical times, and always suffered from diseases.

Xiaoke Pill as the Strong Opponent Against Diabetes

GPHL iis7站长之家 2017-08-31 12:21:05

It is the hit product created exclusively by Baiyunshan Zhongyi Chinese Medicine Factory as the effective medicine for diabetes through modern and traditional treatment.

Jinge as A Blessing for Men

GPHL iis7站长之家 2017-08-31 12:16:05

Jinge has been become the increasingly popular burning issue and the focus of attention for the community as the first "Chinese Viagra".